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What is Mold? Why is it Dangerous?

Mold TestingIt’s unfortunate that many people don’t call for mold testing or mold removal until they already have a problem; Mainly because most people don’t really know a lot about it.

What is Mold?

Molds are fungi that are found both indoors and outdoors. They grow best in warm and moist environments and spread by making spores.

Some of the more common types you will find include:

• Aspergillus
• Alternaria
• Cladosporium
• Penicillium

Why is Mold Dangerous?

Mold gets in the air and hurts the quality for everyone who has to breathe it.

This can cause everything from:

• Nasal stuffiness
• Eye irritation
• Wheezing or coughing
• Skin irritation

The most common risk is damage to your lungs. People who have to live or work in a building with mold issues can suffer from chronic lung illnesses, obstructive lung disease, or mold infections in their lungs.

What Do I Do If I Think My Building Has Mold?

It’s extremely important that you have your building tested for mold as soon as you think you have a problem.

If inspection reveals that you do have a problem, it’s just as important that you look into mold removal as soon as possible. You can treat some of your symptoms, but your health issues will persist as long as there is mold in the air.

If you live in Toronto, Barrie, or Newmarket and have any questions about mold testing or removal, please contact us at any time.

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