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Caledon Community Still Seeking Air Quality Test Answers

air quality testing BarrieWe know the importance of air quality testing to people in Barrie, Newmarket and Toronto. So we can only imagine how frustrated the people in Caledon, Ontario feel.

Earlier this month, Caledon Enterprise reported that many in the community are still awaiting important answers regarding air quality testing.

So far, they say they have been stuck in a massive game of Pass-the-Buck, as they have been referred from the chief medical officer of health for Ontario, to the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), and the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) and back again.

They’re concerned about the air quality due to the area’s proximity to a mega-complex of more than 3,000 acres of open pit mining.

In 1996, a study for a particular James Dick pit application said the amount of dust would exceed provincial minimums, but that no further impact was expected.

“I remember it was shocking to read,” Bob Shapton recalls.

“It’s like saying there’s too much asbestos in this classroom, but we don’t expect any more, so why worry?”

Shapton and a number of his area neighbours have been trying for years to get help in getting a solid and definitive air quality test on the area. So far, all they have seen is red tape.

We wish them the best of luck in getting answers to some very important questions.

If you have any questions about air quality testing in Barrie, Newmarket or Toronto, please contact us any time.

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