Author Archives: May Tran

5 Common Air Pollutants You Might Be Exposed to At Home Right Now

Did you know that there are pollutants in the air in your home right now? We often don’t think of them as they are difficult to detect. But indoor air pollution is a real threat, especially to the respiratory system. Indoor … Read More »

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How Does Mould Grow? 5 Habits To Keep that Icky Stuff Out of Your Home

We all know that mould is a fungus that grows where there is moisture, and we’ve all heard horror stories of toxic mould in our homes. But what are some ways we can prevent or avoid it? Before we answer … Read More »

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7 Risks Your Home is Exposed to After a Flood

Recent intense storms and changes in weather patterns attributed to climate change mean that we are receiving more water and flooding than before. If your home has flooded, take the time to learn about the associated risks. Standing water and … Read More »

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