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4 Questions About Asbestos You Were Afraid to Ask

Asbestos has become a much-discussed topic within the modern Canadian home.

But unfortunately, there has been limited dissemination of professional guidance for today’s Canadian homeowners. It’s imperative that property owners understand each element of the asbestos control and eradication process. And so within this article, we’ll provide the answers for four common asbestos-related questions.

1. What is Asbestos?

This is a very common question as many people have a limited understanding on how asbestos forms at home. Asbestos is the name that is given to a number of naturally occurring fibers that were once used within home construction due to their strength, versatility and durability.

Before the health effects of asbestos were widely known, it was one of the most common building materials used around the globe. Its use has now been banned in most parts of the world.

2. What Should I Do If I Believe I have Been Exposed to Asbestos at Home?

Before reviewing the marketplace and speaking to professional asbestos inspection companies, it’s important to talk with your healthcare professional if you believe you have been exposed to asbestos at home.

Only a qualified doctor can help identify your symptoms and provide you with the highest level of care. It’s important, also, to understand that limited exposure to asbestos has only a small likelihood of having a long-term health impact.

3. How do I know if there’s Asbestos in My Home?

One of the leading challenges in identifying asbestos at home is that it’s not easy to see with the naked eye. Asbestos identification requires the use of specially designed equipment within a controlled testing laboratory. Only those with recognized testing and inspection credentials should be chosen to analyze a potential asbestos issue within your home.

The Ontario Ministry of Labour sets strict guidelines on the asbestos analysis process and recommends the following:

“A qualified consultant can be retained who will take samples and validate/confirm if asbestos is present.”

Ask for the company’s certification credentials before you hire any service provider to review your home.

4. Can I Remove Asbestos Myself?

No. Asbestos should be removed only by those with training and experience in the removal process. That’s because the material can easily become airborne when disturbed, creating a significantly larger problem within the property.

In most regions of the world, there are strict regulations in-place governing the handling and removal of asbestos within residential environments. Choosing a recognized removal expert is the best way to ensure asbestos is removed safely.

By understanding the risks associated with asbestos and recognizing the importance of expert removal teams, homeowners can retain their property’s safety over the long-term. Simply speak with your local asbestos removal company if you have any further questions or concerns on asbestos in your home.

Are You Concerned That Your Home Has Asbestos?

If you suspect that you house might have asbestos, you’re going to need professional help. Dealing with asbestos needs to be done properly, and there is no way to cut corners.
At Assurance Environmental Inspection Services, we have helped countless homeowners accurately identify whether they have asbestos, which in turn leads to asbestos removal recommendations.  Our certified asbestos specialists will use state-of-the-art technology to properly detect and identify presumed asbestos containing material in your home, so you can confidently renovate and/or resell your home.  Request a quote, and gain peace of mind (and a healthier home).

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