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Air Quality Tests Ordered at Algonquin College

air quality testing torontoIf people in your business or home start feeling sick, it might be time for air quality testing. Barrie, Newmarket and Toronto have access to world-class testers and equipment, so you can feel safe knowing you’re in good hands.

You need to be mindful of any drop in energy or the appearance of nausea-related symptoms that people in your building may be showing. It could be a shared flu bug. Or it could be something worse: an air quality problem.

Earlier this month, air quality tests were ordered to determine why six people fell ill in an Algonquin College building.

On October 2nd, a student fainted and was taken to a hospital. Later in the afternoon, a second student fainted and four others began feeling nauseated and dizzy. Soon after, fire crews and paramedics were contacted, while the building was evacuated and students were quarantined on the front lawn.

Ottawa’s HAZMAT team was deployed to assess the situation and test for carbon monoxide at Building V at the college, home to the veterinary technician and veterinary assistant programs.

These are classic symptoms of an air quality problem. If similar problems arise in your home or in your office, evacuate people ASAP and contact someone for immediate air quality testing. Barrie, Newmarket and Toronto residents can contact us any time.

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